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Annie (Tori)

"The wings of transformation are born of patience and struggle." - Janet S. Dickens

Biographical Data
Name: Anna Elise Cohen
AKA Victoria "Tori"
Birthdate: February 16th
Occupation: Nurse at United Hospital Ummm.
Nationality: U.S. citizen
Demeanor: Healer

  • "Well, I gotta go. Whoopi Goldfish II needs to be fed!"
  • "Twatwaffle."
  • "You get a card punched for every Tradition you break?"
  • "I'll challenge you every. single. time. I feel you are doing something wrong. "
The Playlist d' Annie
Her People John


Darren aka Po'BoyDEAD

is a dedicated nurse that can be found nights working various departments at United Hospital. She also loves long walks in the cemetery and playing in playgrounds after the kids are long in bed. She always has her nose in a book.

RP Hooks
  • Annie is was a nurse, are you in the medical field?
  • She is in the Fanger United Club. Are you a vampie too?
  • She is a bibliophagist. Mmm books.
PC Contacts
  • Ajay - Bollywood, I miss you. My fanger bestie. Keep your phone handy, I might need you to pick me up soon.
  • Andrew - My Andiru. No words can explain how much I appreciate you. You are easy to love.
  • Argyle - The word of some random-bro means nothing to me Deadsies
  • Aria - Songbird that flies out of reach. Good. Keep escaping, little bird. I miss him too.
  • Avriel - Oh Avi. I don't know if beads will help me now. You have always been so kind to me, I hope I can figure out things before they are figured out for me.
  • Big_John - Nobody wants your dusty little pony, John.
  • Chai - My very own Hmong Helen of Troy. I bet you didn't think all this would happen, eh?
  • Claude - Kinda a douchenozzle. If he wasn't such a tattletale, he might be cool Gone?
  • Cora - A chick that I went out with. Speak up. Your silence is permission and a weakness. You could be so much more.
  • Edmundo - As unpleasant as he is visually, it wouldn't be as bad if he turned the machismo down a notch or ten.
  • Elliott - Gothy McGotherson. Why didn't we start out on that note? Got that love/hate vibe going on from one day to the next.
  • Gideon - Tested me when he first met me. Did I pass? Gone?
  • Lucy - Science chick wrapped in pretty. Haven't seen or heard from her since the ghost 'incident'
  • Marjorie - Out of your clan, I like you the best.
  • Ozzie - She's lovely to look at. I just wish she would drop that 'ass-kissing-over-the-top act' she does and act real. I bet she's not terrible under all that.
  • Phoebe - Pheebs! You are so lovely and so talented. I have so much I want to learn from you. I hope I have the time.
  • Rachel - Bestie! You make my heart full. I love you. Thank you for all the ways you tried to help.
  • Sand - He is talented and I know people that say he is a nice person, but I don't really know him all that well, just in passing.
  • Sayuri - Good lord, give me a fucking break. I am really trying over here.
  • Tiva Little Owl - Okay, she's not terrible, I guess. Nope. She's terrible.
  • Yassamin - She is very pretty and incredibly dangerous. Ignore all the warning signs and red flags thrown my way.
  • Woodward - Touch me again without permission and I will do more than shove you away.
NPC Contacts
  • Haakon - [G] You either love him or you hate him. I don't hate him and he's a hard ass, but that's not always a bad thing.
  • Victor 'Irish' Williams - [B]You went to bat for me since I got here and I just fucked everything up at every turn, but you didn't get rid of me. You are the family I don't deserve.
  • Sheriff Younger - [B]You don't see me as worthy... *jazz hands* Well, neither do I. But it's not due to my passion like you say.
  • Keeper Jessie Taylor - [To]Chick will toss you on your ass if you don't have proper attire.
  • Daniel Thomas - He is schedules and appointments and a wealth of information to point you in the right direction.
  • Henrik Rasmussen - [N]Newbie, welcome to the shitshow. Not sure what to make of you yet.
  • Gulliver Jones- [M]My impressions are that he is the type with bodies buried in his tomato garden. Lays hands on females and probably kicks puppies.
  • Kenneth Salt - [To]Schnazzy dresser. Don't know him well though, seems like he is all prim and proper just for show like an actor on a stage. I wonder what is behind the curtain of propriety.
  • Ibrahim Traore - [V]Never really talked to man. His smiles seem a bit forced.
  • Wahkan Birdshead - [Tr] Makes me have that distressed feeling in my stomach like he is slimy and I should stay away.
  • Decebel Marcu - [T]So, the way he handles shit gives me the vapors. I know it's weird and I can't explain it so I won't try.
United Hospital.jpeg       Whoopi Goldfish.jpg       Minneapolis.jpg