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Revision as of 00:07, 27 July 2024 by Edith (talk | contribs)
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Who? Gabriela is an utter non-entity: some random chola who arrived recently, claims to be between jobs, and evades most personal questions. She's certainly very pretty, though.


Jessica Allan showed up in the city in early 2014 and, aside from being extraordinarily attractive, is nobody special. She's worked as a delivery driver and some sort of independent consultant to a local cop, and otherwise has kept to herself.

Well, except for that time the Indian government wanted her extradited for terrorism. The extradition was denied, but she's not been seen around town since.

RP Hooks
Mundane - Gabriela
  • Wanderer: Gabriela claims to be between jobs, and has plenty of time to wander the city and pop up in all manner of places. She's frequently seen around the Marquette hotel, though.
Mundane - Jess
  • Delivery driver: Jess used to work as a delivery driver. Did you get any packages?
  • Accused terrorist: In mid-2015, the Indian government hit her with numerous charges and demanded her extradition. The demand was denied, but it was in the papers.
  • Chimerical Magnet: Chimera just find her that much more interesting.
  • Huntress: Eithne is apparently a hunter of some skill, and claims to be particularly good with tracking.
  • Hound: She's always accompanied by a large gray chimerical borzoi named Shadow. He's her hunting hound and enjoys it when people feed him.
  • Amber: Charming, despite the fact that I never know what she's talking about.
  • Andrew: Intriguing. If he is what he says he is...
  • Ben: A surprisingly good friend, and the owner of the only gentlemen's club I've ever seen that's actually suitable for gentlemen.
  • Elizabeth: Really, double the price for the dog?
  • Jordan: I may have misjudged her.
  • Josie: I suspect she has been feeding my hound.
  • Katiya: I enjoy her company, but her actions are a reminder of why politics are best avoided.
  • Lilith: Surprisingly pleasant.
  • Matiz: More of a delight than I'd thought anyone could be.
  • Roque: ...fuck. ("I'm a Ruin," Marina and the Diamonds)
  • Tiva Little Owl: Where does Roque even find these people?
Eyeth-nee? Etna? Eth-nee?
Eithne is pronounced "ETH-na".
Name Gabriela ?
Jess mortal2.jpg
Name Jessica Allan
Eithne new.jpg
Name Eithne ni Scathach
Kith Autumn Sidhe
Court Seelie
Rank Knight
Seelie Legacy Paladin
Unseelie Legacy Beast