Viktor Edgestow, a Knight from the Kingdom of Chalk with allies in Nuestria and the Kingdom of Roses as well as the Kingdom of Grass. Victor values friendship above all else. In addition to his many acts of heroism, Victor is widely known as a stable minded man that puts others always above himself. He squires Lydia Grey during the Accordance War, admiring her determination and great beauty. After the Chrysalis of Lilith Black he became obsessed with taking care of the fragile sluagh. This desire has waned over the years as it became apparent that she was romantically interested in Baroness Moon. He is engaged to Lydia Grey and will be married by Beltane. Because he is a Seelie Redcap, Victor is widely loathed as a bootlicker to the Sidhe by the McCrae Corby. It is therefore quite unfortunate that Daniel McCrae was named Duke. Fortunately Viktor is not interested in positional authority having dedicated himself to the influence network of the Mistress of High Tea.