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Fera Applications

Quick Ref

  • Developing your Concept: Start out by logging in and typing "+request Concept: <Race>=<concept>" and give us at least a few sentences about what you intend to play. This should include why you are herek, some thoughts on the Third Ring since it makes your life very difficult, and what your IC job will be.
  • Sending your Application: When your concept has been reviewed and approved, prepare and email your application (form below) to
  • Statting Your Character: Use 20th Anniversary Changing Breeds mechanics to stat your character

Banned Concepts

No Shifters will come in with Sorceror abilities. You can learn Sorcery ICly from PCs.
Professionals that are Shifters. You are a bottle of rage, it doesn't work.
Unknowing or confused Shifters. You know what you are and the usual rules and culture.
Camp Members - this is a land of outcasts, no camps.
Possessors of klaives and similar fetishes.
Rank 4 or 5. You can only come in at Rank 1, 2 or 3.
Although several Fera breeds do tend to be loners, I will expect and encourage you to make your character compatible with the multiplayer dynamic of a MUSH (that is to say, isolationist/hermit characters and so on would not be reasonable and I will ask you to alter a loner-based concept).


We do not accept the following:

  • Backgrounds: Not on the Shifter section of the approved Backgrounds list found here.
  • Merits: Animal Magnetism, Bad Taste, Camp Goodwill, Code of Honor, Fair Glabro, Family Support, Favor, Metamorph, Mixed-Morph, Natural Channel, Notable Heritage, Noted Messenger, Reputation, Silver Tolerance, Spirit Magnet, or Supernatural Companion
  • Flaws: Anosmia, Camp Enmity, Compulsion, Dark Fate, Dark Secret, Double Jeopardy, Driving Goal, Insane Ancestor, Intolerance, Naive, Nightmares, Overconfident, Persistent Parents, Phobia, Short, Shy, Slip Sideways, Strict Carnivore, or Twisted Upbringing
  • Duplications I try to keep merits, flaws and character types 'special'. So some merits and flaws, skill sets, will be denied as there is already someone in the sphere with them.
  • 4s and 5s: I allow one four in an ability, no 5's at chargen.
  • Kinain: Per Loki, no Kinain Shifters

Cross-Sphere Applications

If you wish to go cross-sphere then you must also forward your application to the appropriate staffer of that sphere. In this case, your approval may take longer as it will need to be reviewed by additional staff, who may deny or require changes to your application (in part or as a whole) at their discretion.


Please fill out the application and email it to If you wish to submit a backstory in addition to the application, then you may do so at your choice, but the application itself is strictly required for approval. Please keep all emails in the text based format as some things are much easier when we can cut and paste from the email. Please follow the format here on the wiki beginning with Basics. Thanks!


* Character Name:
* Approved Concept: Copy and paste the concept that was approved on Fulcrum.
* Rite Name:
* Age and DOB:
* Nature:
* Demeanor:
* Race: Breed name goes here (Corax, Gurahl, etc.)
* Auspice: Aspect/Pyrio/etc. goes here.


* Flaw Descriptions: For each Flaw that you take, please include the description of the flaw (what the book says about it) and an explanation of why/how the character has this flaw (how your character received it). Max of 7 flaws.
* Merit Descriptions: For each Merit that you take, please include the description of the merit (what the book says about it) and an explanation of why/how the character has this merit (how your character received it). Max of 7 merits.
* Character Weaknesses: What are your character's personal flaws, independent of whatever stat-based merits/flaws on the sheet (how you, as a player, see this character's personal negative traits/weaknesses)?
* Character Strengths: What are your character's personal strengths, independent of whatever stat-based merits/flaws on the sheet (how you, as a player, see this character's personal positive traits/strengths)?


1. ID's you possess (Drivers License, Passports, Fake IDs, Etc.)
2. Address listed on said ID's
3. Citizenship (if other than American) and immigration status.
4. If your phone number is listed or not
5. Criminal Record: If any
6. Owned properties, both On grid and Off Grid
7. Source of Income (If you have Resources)
8. Anything else you think might be important were someone to run a BG Check on you.


1. Describe your first change:
2. Who found you and helped you through after?
3. How old were you?
4. What was your race's Rite of Passage like?


1. Which race of Shifter do you feel the greatest affinity towards and why?
2. Which race of Shifter do you feel the greatest antipathy towards and why?
3. If you could change anything about your race, what would it be?
4. What is your characters attitude towards kinfolk?
5. How closely do you follow your race's version of the Litany?


1. How have you handled The Curse?
2. How will this affect you around other people?
3. Why are you here in the Twin Cities?
4. How are you dealing with the Third Ring? Does it impact you?


1. How do you view your Auspice/Pyrio/Aspect/Etc. (henceforth Auspice)
2. There are a lot of different spins and specialties within each Auspice, What's yours?
3. If you were not of that Auspice, what would you most likely lean toward?
4. What is your view on spirits – slaves or to be revered? Why?
5. What is your view on talens and fetishes?
6. Please explain any talens or fetishes you have and how you received them.


1. Describe the 5 goals of your character. These should be goals that do not include meet sept, find a place to live, etc. These should be goals that you can work towards over the course of 3 months, 6 months, a year, etc.
2. Optional: Include anything you'd like, from pictures, quotes, songs, and/or a written backstory.


Attributes, Abilities, Backgrounds

Using 20th anniversary editions, please set your character's stats and submit them in the following format:

- Strength 2
- Dexterity 2
- Stamina 2
- Willpower 6
- Rage 3
- Gnosis 3
- Merits Concentration <1>|Acute Hearing <1>
- Flaws Bad Sight <-3>|Deformity <-3>

Please remember: all gifts and rites must come from WW20 books.

- gifts Gift1 <1>|Gift2 <1>\Gift3 <1>
- rites Rite1 <1>|...

And so on.

That is to say, for each stat that has a numerical value, put each stat on one line. Type a dash (-), a space, the stat name, then the numerical value of the stat. This formatting requirement is so that staff can more quickly manually set your character.

Fetishes And Talens

While you will have explained your Fetish/Talen previously in the written portion, please include an explicit book and page reference for the items you wish to have out of character generation.

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