Poolable Backgrounds

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Pooling Backgrounds

On Fulcrum we will be adjusting how this is handled as different core books handle this option in different ways. Please keep in mind, pooling backgrounds can only be done by sphere publically recognized groups of 3 or more: i.e., Motleys, Cabals, Coteries, Packs, Circle etc.

Resources: When pooling your resources, not all can be shared, as it’s assumed your character will need some of their own resources to continue functioning normally, so while the highest resource in the group doesn't gain access to more, they do not lose any resources either. The formula used - take the total, and divide by 1 less than the number of people in the group, rounding up or down to be determined by your staff.
Example 1: Frank the Ventrue has Resources 3, Jill the Brujah has Resources 1 and Uther the Gangrel has Resources 1. The total combined is 5. 5 divided by 2 is 2.5, and the staffer looks at the characters and chooses to round for 2. This means Frank maintains his resources 3, but Jill and Uther each can access Resources 2 because of Frank. They don't need his permission, they don't have to wait for him to sign on.
Example 2: Menkaure the Eshu has Resources 2, Ali the Nocker has Resources 2, Grogu the Nocker has Resources 2 and Cho the Troll also has resources 2. Together that adds to 8, divide the 8 by 3 and you get 2.666. The changeling staffer opts to round up. This means each character effectively has Resources 3. If someone leaves the motley, the staffer will adjust.

Allies/Equipment or similar: When it comes to ‘people’ or ‘items’ that are your statted NPCs and or moveable property, only one person can have access at a time. PCs will be charged with making sure no one is using the same item or NPC at the same time. We can’t have a single rocket launcher in 5 hands, nor can a single NPC be sent to 3 different cities at once. If we notice this happening, staff will make the choice on which order is adhered to by the NPC, with deference to the PC who initially bought the stat.

Holdings/Node/Domain/Haunt: When these locations are pooled, each member of the group has equal access to the location and the benefits of it. Security still must be installed and handled via typical rules, though the resource level used will be the pooled amount.

What happens when someone leaves or a character dies?

In most cases, you will not be able to purchase the lost character’s pooled backgrounds, depending on the storyteller and stat. I.e.: you likely will not be able to bump up your Resources, but you might be allowed to purchase the Ally. You may not be able to buy Requisitions if you don’t ICly have the rank, but you may be able to justify keeping the Wonder (and paying XP for it).

If this will bring you to less than 3 members, you will have 2 weeks to find a recruit and bring them into the group officially. The pooled resources will change then to what the recruit can help with. This may mean your pooled Resources goes up or down, you may lose an Ally, but gain a stronger Domain. Your staffer will be able to help with this.