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"The difference between burlesque and the newspapers is that the former never pretended to be performing a public service by exposure. - I. F. Stone"







Name: Kestrel Siobhan McIntyre-Blakely
Occupation: Dancer/Steampunk Designer/Cosplayer
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Gallant
Date of Birth: All Hallows Eve 1990
Height/Weight: 5'4"/120-ish
Hair Color: Sunsets and vital fluids red
Eye Color: Deep Indigo/Amethyst

The General

Kestrel has recently rolled into town. An oddly striking figure she makes in her steampunk outfits. Rumors may have preceded her that she has a small following on some of the conventions and online sites for steampunk fashion as well as being a dancer of a little renown. Though there are also ties back to a bit of an explosion in New York, where she is quoted as being one of two survivors


  • Steampunk - She handles custom orders for folk, as well as sells at conventions of the 'fad' groups.
  • Explosion survivor - Kestrel and Eris were the two who survived the explosion that levels a bar in New York, killing Eris' mother.
  • Julliard trained dancer - She attended the prestigious school and graduated with honors, only to turn away from the ballets after her adoptive family was killed.
  • Estranged "sister" - Eris, Kestrel's best friend and 'sister from another mother' has cut ties to her after Eris' mother's death in the explosion that set Kestrel to wing.


Boris Kalishski - Head of the Portland Ballet company, former teacher from Juilliard
Andrew - First Librarian she met in town.
Rachel - Fun in a petite package.
Sayuri - One's heart
Name Blurb