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"Secret secrets are no fun, Secret secrets hurt someone." - The Exotic Dancer aka The Stripper

Biographical Data
Name: Carter Collins
Birthdate: Jan 9, 1987
Occupation: Unknown
Nationality: British
Nature: Unknown
Demeanor: Bon Vivant

Quote: I need to make an impression
Themesong: Party Rock

General well known information about your character.

RP Hooks
  • Restaurants and Bars - He's a social fellow that hangs out in common gathering places.
  • London - Recent transplant from London, England. If you were there in the past 4 years lets make a connection!
  • RP hook 3
  • RP hook 4
  • Ajay - Always good to see him about. Knows the city.
  • Annabel - A wonderful associate, good conversation, great taste.
  • IC Pal 3
Carter1.jpg       Carter4.jpg       Carter2.jpg